Sign-ups for the online class can be done immediately by appointment to meet during the transition period at the corner of Dalton and Government Way. There is no waiting period for the online course. Until further notice, just come by at 2:45 until 3 on Monday through Friday. Or at 5 to 5:15 Monday through Wednesday.
SPECIAL NOTICE: For the present call first or send message: Sign-ups for the online can be done at 5:00 to 5:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday or 2:30 to 3 on Thursday and Friday. I can also do sign-ups at 2:45 to 3 on Tuesday and Wednesday. These steps will keep the expense down for the client. This approach allows greater flexibility and convenience for all involved parties.
Expect the drives to occur about ten weeks after the class is started except under certain conditions. I want everybody to realize that most schools will make you wait several months just to start. Then, they may make you wait 4 to 8 weeks to start the drives. Find out if the other schools will allow you to start the classroom phase immediately as I do. Home schooled students that can drive in the morning can be done much sooner. I plan to continue to do sign-ups at the parking lot in front of office #7. After that, the plan may change. The new plan will allow more time to do the drives.
(Anthony Campos, PhD)
NOTICE: To sign-up for the online class come to the corner of Dalton and Government Way or by appointment. To register at the DMV, tell them you are signed up with Roadmasters. We are always open to new students to start immediately. Register with the DMV before starting class.
The state has clarified that students MUST have purchased a permit before they start a driver ed course or take part in any driving lessons. First, go to the DMV with student to register. Take birth certificate and VOC letter from school unless home schooled. The sign-up can be done before going to the DMV.
Pricing: Full Program: $390/ Driver Education Class Only: $90/ Drives Only: $300
Currently we are advising parents that the online or my personal class can be started immediately. There is no waiting period. Once the classroom phase is completed, the parents can decide if they want to go on with our availability for the driving portion. The online is at the student's own pace. Learning to drive cannot be done by merely reading text material. The full outstanding payment will be done before the drives are started. Once the drives are started and scheduled with an on-going basis, refunds will not be granted.
The good news is that I am always looking for new instructors to join my company. I have succeeded in getting at least two new partners as instructors. The process of qualifying instructors in Idaho is very lengthy. While we can allow new students into the classroom phase, we have to warn parents that the driving sessions will take much longer to accomplish (as much as 4 to 8 weeks after the classroom is completed). If the student is available to drive early mornings (Monday to Friday), the scheduling will not be a problem.
Note: Idaho has control over giving licenses to my prospective instructors. Also, it is getting harder to find good people that are willing to do this kind of work as a business. I do have a license to train new instructors. I will be adding a partner or two to help. However, if you feel that you cannot fully respect my knowledge of imparting this education to your son or daughter, then go some place else. My knowledge goes back to the age of six when I almost got runned over at a crosswalk. Then, my grandfather taught me to always look both ways when crossing a street by age seven. Then for many years I observed my dad drive the car since I had no cell phone to play games and gossip from the back seat. I will always stress the powers of observation and logic in my class. You parents should not assume that driving is just a steering wheel with some pedals which interact with four tires. What is the value of your kid's life?
Always call first. Signing up is at either 5:00 (Tuesday/Wednesday) or at 2:45 to 3 (Thursday/Friday). Online signing up is also at the same times unless by appointment.
Note: For the next few weeks, I can do sign-ups at 8:45 to 9 am or possibly at 2:45 to 3 pm and also at 5:00 on Tuesday and Wednesday or at 2:45 to 3 pm on Thursday and Friday. Or by appointment to suit you. and are the same but is for reference
I am at the classroom during class times and 30 minutes before class. I can always meet clients by appointment. I normally do the sign ups 30 minutes before my class time. Once the transition is complete, the signing up can be done at this website.
Tony Campos: 208 755-9594